While other industry players may be content with their current products, Stafix have been continually updating their energiser range over the last few years. Remote capability was followed by the unigiser range and now the M63R. With 63 Joules of output energy, the Stafix M63R will be the most powerful energiser in the world when released next month. Gallagher previously held these boasting rights with the SmartPower MX7500 (57 Joule output) and PowerPlus MR6000 (48 Joule output) being substantially larger than the Stafix M36R and Pel 835R. To date Gallagher and Tru-test are the only companies to produce large energisers with manufacturers such as Pakton, Nemtek and MEPS not attempting to do so. The price at which the M63R energisers are marketed will determine whether they have more than a very limited application. These units boast the usual features of the Stafix range including a cyclic wave pulse, remote control and bi-polar capabilities. While Stafix make the claim that they will be able to power up to 630 km of fence line, it is doubtful whether this will be achievable under African conditions. They will however be able to power through significantly more vegetation to give higher voltage and energy further down the fence line. This will make them an indispensable animal management tool in challenging conditions, where vegetation growth and other shorts on the fence line are a constant factor.